Thursday 14 April 2011

Day 1:The First Night

Sean’s Outback Adventure
Well, it all started when we were on our way QLD and we decided to do this 6 month trip, but that’s another story. Our adventure started in Denman, the first place we stopped for the night. When we got there we got our spot and went into town. We ordered 3 chicken schnitzels and a medium chips. When we got back to the place we were staying at, we realized the van had caught onto the roof of a picnic table, so dad had to drive away very slowly. We eventually got un-stuck and went inside the caravan. Before we had dinner, dad had a surprise for mum and, AN IPAD. But then dad gave us some bad news, we only had a limited amount of time to do what we wanted to do on it that required internet because our Wi-Fi was on low battery. So I took it and downloaded like 10 games at once, mum didn’t even touch it. After that we had dinner, it was delicious.
 Written by Sean Campbell


  1. Hi Sean, I have put your blog on favourites so Izzy Pete and I can read about your adventure - so you now have 3 more fans! Louise

  2. Hi Sean hope you've had a nice trip. I have finished black it's fun. Chia misses you .

    From Izzy

    P.S. It is rainning loudly
