Today we were going to the Katherine show. We went at about 12:00 and started off by going to do some rides.

We then went to check out the rodeo so we could watch some of it. When we got there they were doing drafting. It didn't take long for Leonie to arrive and we then went to this ride called the Cha Cha (it may look like in the photo that it just goes round and round but it does do that and it also goes in and out).

We then went to have a rest. Mum didn't really want to get up.

We then went back to the rodeo and they were doing dog compatitions where the dogs drove the cattle.

We then went back to the main arena and watched the V8 supercar challenge.

I was aloud to do one more ride before dusk and I chose to do Music Trip.

After that we just walked around taking photos of random things.

The bull riding was on at the rodeo arena and so we decided to go watch.

After that we just walked around doing stuff for about 2hrs then it was dusk, so I went on a ride called the Hurricane.

Then it was fireworks time. We got our spots in the main arena and the fireworks started. There were blue, green and red fireworks al over the place.

After that it was time for my final ride, The Zipper. The second most scariest ride at the show. I was tremeling at my knees when I go in that carrige.

It was then home time and definently time for bed.
Written by Sean Campbell